Havelock North High School Year 9 Scholarships
The Havelock North High School Board invites you to apply for one of our Year 9 scholarships for 2026.
We are looking to recognise up to 20 incoming pupils who are already putting our school motto, “Aim to Excel”, into effect. As a school, we take pride in a culture that promotes academic, cultural and sporting excellence and which also aims at developing citizenship and leadership in our young people. We invite applications for the following scholarships:
● Academic Scholarship of $500. These will be awarded to pupils who can provide evidence of exceptional academic ability.
● All-Rounder Scholarship of $500. These will be awarded to pupils who can provide evidence of excellence across two or more fields of endeavour.
● Leadership Scholarship of $500. These will be awarded to pupils in recognition of the leadership they have demonstrated whilst attending intermediate school.
Each of the scholarship winners will be selected on this basis:
Applications for 2025 will close on Friday, 9th May.
Applicants should expect to hear the result of the selection process by Friday, 23rd May.
Successful applicants must notify the school of their acceptance of the scholarship by Friday, 30th May.
The scholarships will be in the form of a single payment into an account held at the school from which pupils/families may draw to pay any school-related costs. Uniforms, sports gear, sports subscriptions, subject fees, school trips, music tuition etc. are all appropriate uses of the money. The balance will be held in a reserve account until it is all spent. It is not a requirement that all money be spent in the first year.
How to Apply
To apply for a Havelock North High School Scholarship, please complete the 2026 Application Form using the Google Form below.
When you have completed the application form, please ensure you bring your HNHS enrolment card and most recent school report to the Havelock North High School office by the due date, Friday, 9th May.
Key Dates
Friday 9th May - Lodge applications and CV with the school by 3.30 pm
Friday 23rd May - Letters advising of results sent to applicants
Friday 30th May - Acceptance letters due to school
Please do not ask your current principal or teacher for a new testimonial.
153 Te Mata Rd, Havelock North 4130 (view map)
PO Box 8476, Havelock North
Phone: (06) 877 8129
Fax: (06) 877 4079
Email: office@hnhs.school.nz