​​​​​​​"I like this school because the students are friendly, the teachers are kind and everyone is very involved in sport and cultural activities as well as their school work."     Shuhei Yoshida, Japan.

  • ​​​​​​​Tim Christoffers, Germany.

    Ich war ein Jahr am Ende der Welt in diesem einfach super tollen Land und hatte die beste Zeit meines Lebens.

    Es ist einfach die beste Idee ein ganzes Jahr zu kommen denn sonst ist es schwierig wirklich ganz Neuseeland zu geniessen.

    Viele Schüler kommen im Juni oder Juli weil das eben einfach am naheliegendsten ist aber meiner Meinung nach (und weil ich die Erfahrung auch selber gemacht hab) um wirklich mit den Neuseelaendischen ´Kiwis` das Jahr zu starten, zu geniessen und alle perfekt kennen zu lernen ist es vielleicht besser dem Vorrang zu geben und die Schule im Januar zu unterbrechen, denn dann faengt das Schuljahr in Neuseeland wirklich an.

    Und sogar Abitur kann man hier machen wenn man alt genug ist. Leute sagen es ist nicht moeglich den Neuseelaendischen Abschluss in einem Jahr zu machen doch es geht!!! Ich habe dieses Angebot angenommen und da deutsche Universitaeten mit dem neuseelaendischen System vertraut sind ist dieser Abschluss eine super Hilfe um in Deutschland in den Unis einen guten Eindruck zu vermitteln. Und wenn man gut genug ist (was zu schaffen ist!!!) muss man das deutsche Abitur sogar gar nicht mehr machen.

    Aber nur um Schule und lernen geht es hier auch nicht immer!!! Von der Schule aus gibt es super Sportangebote wie beispielsweise:

    • Volleyball
    • Shooting
    • Badminton
    • Rugby
    • Canoe Polo

    Alles in allem hatte ich einfach das perfekte Jahr am Ende der Welt, eine Zeit die ich mein Leben lang nicht vergessen werde!!!

    Kommt her, es ist super!!!

    Being an International Student

    My name is Michael and I was an international student at Havelock North High School.

    My parents and I decided that I will do a one-year overseas study. We picked New Zealand as it is English speaking, has a great nature, agreeable climate, and cosmopolitan residents. However, our expectation is that this experience will make me a more self-reliant and open-minded person and also improve my English language skills.

    My experiences were completely positive. I met a lot of interesting and nice people and lived with a family that made me feel welcome from the first day and I could learn a lot from them about the culture of the people in New Zealand. In particular, the different school system was a bit confusing at the beginning. But overall, school is more interesting in New Zealand than in Germany.

    However, one big challenge is communication. Not only the vocabulary but the exchange of perception. For example, the Germans are more direct to the point than many people that I have met. This direct attitude may be misinterpreted as impolite. This points out the importance to get to know cultural differences and correct someone's behaviour accordingly.

    In conclusion, life as an international student is not difficult but different, provided you are open-minded and communicative. However, as an exchange student, it is advisable to get in close contact with the locals instead of grouping with other internationals which might be easier, but not beneficial in regards to integration, learning regional habits, and improving language skills.

    My Experiences as an International Student

    I am an exchange student from Norway and I have attended Havelock North High School. I stayed here for 12 months and I am so happy that I chose to come to this school. 

    The reason I chose HNHS was because they have a very good programme for international students. In a short time, I have already been on so many amazing trips with the school and seen a lot in the North Island. I have, for instance, skied at Whakapapa, seen the amazing World Of Wearable Art show in Wellington, been to Te Papa, and gone surfing. The latter I did twice. These trips have not only shown me different places in New Zealand but helped me make strong friendships from all over the world that will, no doubt, last a lifetime. 

    I also chose Havelock North High School because they have a good sports programme. You can do swimming, rugby, athletics, volleyball and so much more. I had a lot of fun on a trip to Auckland for orienteering.

    If you want to go to a school with a lot of fun activities, make friends for life and have a good time, come to Havelock North High School!

    When I go home to Norway I want to continue to do my schooling in English, therefore I want to attend a school where I can study International Baccalaureate. After that, I want to go to university and study medicine.