What are the Learning Support classes?

Havelock North High School operates one Learning Support class at both Year 9 and Year 10.  The students are carefully selected based on their individual learning needs and requirements.  The students are based in the same learning centre for their English and Social Studies lessons which provides the stability and routine required for success.  The grouping of students remains constant for all other core subjects, however, a teacher aide is permanently assigned to the class.


We provide students with support as they enter into a high school setting.  The following points outline the core principles of the Learning Support programme:

  • An emphasis on organisation and being prepared
  • Supported learning in small groups to cover needs in core subject areas
  • IEP’s (Individual Education Plans)  
  • Use of specialist software and IT facilities to enhance learning in reading, spelling and mathematics

Students are provided with supported learning in English, mathematics, social studies, science and physical education.  Teacher aides provide continuity of support for many students in their option classes.

Key Skills

  • Personal organisation 
  • Huge emphasis on the key competencies for both students and caregivers
  • Preparation of students to achieve at least a Level 2 NCEA qualification before leaving school
  • Providing students with a ‘road map’ to secondary/tertiary study

Quotes from ERO Report

​'Students are provided with supported learning in English, mathematics, social studies, science and physical education'

'Students are supported by teacher aides in option subjects (ICT, soft and hard materials technology, art and languages)'

'Teachers and teacher aides, working with students requiring learning support, participate in professional development to provide them with appropriate teaching strategies'