On Friday the staff and students recognised Mr Fenton for his contribution to the school as the third principal of HNHS. Mr Fenton will be missed by the school community when he departs at the end of the year. His leadership and clear vision has left the school well-equipped for the future and we are all very grateful for his work over the last 10 1/2 years.
Whāia te iti kahurangi, ki te tūohu koe, me he maunga teitei.
Article added: Monday 31 October 2022
153 Te Mata Rd, Havelock North 4130 (view map)
PO Box 8476, Havelock North
Phone: (06) 877 8129
Fax: (06) 877 4079
Email: office@hnhs.school.nz