2023 Course Selection

All year 10, 11 and 12 students must complete the 2023 Course Selection process by Sunday 25th September. Students were spoken to about this process during special assemblies held last week.
The parent portal is currently accepting courses for 2023 and the sooner students choose their course, the more likely it is that the school will be able to accommodate their selection.
The Course Registration process is as follows:- Access the 2023 Curriculum Handbook using the link below or from the HNHS website. The handbook contains information about every subject including the course overview and assessments undertaken throughout the year.

2023 Curriculum Handbook

Students should look through the subjects on offer and select an appropriate number of subjects for 2023 (6 for year 11 and 12, 5 for year 13).
The course must be entered onto the Parent Portal. To access the parent portal go to the official school website (www.hnhs.school.nz) and scroll to the bottom of the page.
Click the 'parent portal' link.- Login details for the parent portal are as follows:
Hint: Copy and Paste the username and password onto the parent portal (the passwords are case sensitive). If the password shown below is longer than 7 characters this means it has been manually changed by a parent sometime in the past. Contact the school office if you need this reset.
username: ...
password: ...
Select 'Course Selection' from the navigation bar and tick the names of the subjects chosen.
Save the course and log outCourses will be confirmed during interviews with House Tutors in week 10 this term. They will be held in the library. At this time, the House Tutors will check that students have met the prerequisites for each subject.
  • Tuesday 27th September - Year 12 Interviews
  • Wednesday 28th September - Year 11 Interviews
  • Thursday 29th September - Year 10 Interviews


Please contact the school office (office@hnhs.school.nz or 06 877 8129) if you are having any difficulties accessing the Parent Portal or entering the 2023 course.

Article added: Tuesday 13 September 2022


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